Aaron R – Mariemont High School Class of 2014 | Mariemont Senior Portrait Photographer

I’m happy to roll out yet another sneak peek of my next 2014 graduate!  Things are hopping around here with senior portraits and I’m going to have a ton to share with you in the upcoming weeks.

Meet Aaron, Mariemont High School senior, musician, photographer, math genius…  we had a great time exploring Mt. Adams and some of the grungier parts of Over The Rhine. I especially love the blue and yellow building ~ it’s awesome!  My favorite thing about Aaron’s session (besides having fun, Aaaron’s crazy blue eyes, great hair, cool clothes and fun shoes of course….) is all the color.  I’m all about color, as you know.

Aaron, you’ll see all the rest VERY soon ~ hooray!

  • Sara-anne Wolgin Caudle - I LOVE all your creative angles…and the colors! Beautiful work Barb!ReplyCancel

  • Andie Smith - love the shots!ReplyCancel

  • Robert Routt - Thank you, Barb, you captured Aarony!ReplyCancel

  • BoBo BuBu - Wow, great photos!ReplyCancel

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