Ari K ~ Madeira High School Class of 2017 | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

“The way I see it, if you want to see the rainbow,
you gotta put up with the rain.” 

~ R. Tagore ~

And put up with rain, we sure have. Today’s senior sneak peek is sweet Ari, a soccer star and honor student from Madeira High School. Ari and I have gone round and round with scheduling her senior portraits only to have them rescheduled for sometimes the most bizarre of reasons. But finally, even despite falling into the pool earlier in the day, we decided to go forward despite the forecast for stormy weather. As it turns out, it was sunny when I picked her up at her home and by the time we got to our destination, it was indeed storming. So off we went to my studio, with a promise that we’ll go out again when the fall leaves are looking pretty!

Ari is a three sport athlete at Madeira, playing soccer, swimming, and running track. She’s a member of the National Honor Society, Latin Club, and One on One at school and is planning on majoring in nursing in college. Her favorite band is “definitely One Direction” and her favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough (seems to be a very popular choice as well!). So, finally….here’s Ari!


Thanks Ari for being an awesome studio model and I look forward to our “Part Two”!

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