Calling Seniors 2013 and 2014

It might not feel like January – it’s pretty balmy here in Cincinnati, while it’s snowing on my friends in the South – it is!   January is a slow month around here for photos, so I’ve taken the last few weeks to revise how I’m going to be doing things this year, including pricing for 2013.

Just a heads up – my pricing scheme will be changing effective February 1st. They are not necessarily going up, but I’m going to be doing things differently. So for those of you who’d like to take advantages of my 2012 prices, here’s your chance.  Seniors and families – book with me before the end of January and lock in on 2012 pricing.

For 2013 seniors, this will lock you in to a last-chance-before-graduation session for announcements, cards and such, or if you weren’t happy with your pics that were done elsewhere.  For 2014 seniors, this is an opportunity to get “first dibs” on popular dates, or work around upcoming travel, sports schedules, activities, etc.  A $50 deposit will hold your spot.

I am also looking for senior reps from the following schools (Class of 2014), so be sure to contact me if you’re interested, or know someone who might be. Senior reps get their sessions comped in return for helping me build my business. A short, informal interview is required.

  • Madeira High School
  • Indian Hill High School
  • Turpin High School
  • Anderson High School
  • Walnut Hills High School
  • The Seven Hills School
  • Cincinnati Country Day School
  • Summit Country Day School
  • Mason High School
  • Loveland High School

So what are you waiting for? You too can look forward to a really fun session, just like these gorgeous people did:

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