Holly H – Mariemont High School Class of 2014 | Mariemont Senior Portrait Photographer

It’s been a busy week around here – we’ve been busy out there shooting ~ a LOT!  I have lots to show in the next two weeks and here we go.

Today’s sneak peek is Holly H. Holly is a talented soccer player and artist. I’ve known her since she was a really little tyke and she’s grown up to be such a lovely person both inside and out!

On our first stop, we went to the Rowe Arboretum. It was a perfect place, because when I suggested it her mom told me that when Holly and her little brother were small, she would take them there for visits and picnics. They often ate their picnic lunches near the “hollow tree”, so of course we had to take pictures at that very same hollow tree. I love how we were able to incorporate a bit of sentimental family history, and you gotta like a girl who is willing to climb a tree with a dress on.

Thanks to Holly and her mom Jelina for a really fun evening!

  • Sherry Steveson - She is adorable! totally loved the different perspectives of your shots.ReplyCancel

  • Jana Perenchio - What a sweet smile and FUN locations!ReplyCancel

  • Andie Smith - love these. love the one where she is laughing..you can hear her laugh!ReplyCancel

  • Jeri Hoag - Looks like a fun senior session and I love all your great locations!ReplyCancel

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