Josh M ~ Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy Class of 2019 | Cincinnati Portrait Photography

Hello Friends!

Wow, do I have a lot to catch you up on. Get ready, there is a lot of beauty coming your way in the next several days and weeks, so I’m just going to jump right into it!

Introducing Josh! Josh is a senior at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy and as you will quickly see, has a passion for soccer. I’ve known Josh’s family for many years now, taking pics of their older son Seth and younger daughter Esther (who is an accomplished young actress). Such talent in this family, but more than that they are just the best people that you’d want to meet.JM-107_WEB

We are doing Josh’s senior pics in two parts, so as soon as I get the rest done, I will post again and tell you more about Josh himself. But in the meantime, I was hoping to get his soccer pics up to give a little love to the CHCA men’s soccer team. Go Eagles! And thank you Josh for being so awesome!


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