Kayla W ~ Mariemont High School Class of 2015

Wow, I feel like I have packed up my blog, stuck it in a moving box, and put it in the basement until I could dig it out again. In a way, that’s been true. We’re in the process of moving and between having our entire life literally in boxes, having no internet for about six weeks, and being out of the country on a fabulous vacation (that’s another post for the near future!), my poor blog just withered from neglect like a flower with no water.

But we’re back! I’m finally back to shooting and editing purdy pics for people again and with that being said, I am giving you some sneak peeks for the beautiful and brilliant Kayla. Kayla and I got out to the Natorp’s sunflower field in Mason about about the very last day ~ the flowers were about spent, but I’m hoping that we worked it out and made the most of it!  We also be-bopped around the quirky Northside area for a time.  Her session will be continued in the fall with some crazy color in Yellow Springs Ohio, but for right now here are her sneak peeks…

IMG_0029_WEB IMG_0058_WEB IMG_0134_WEB IMG_0146_WEB IMG_0094_WEB Kayla, your pics are all so great, I hope these were worth the wait!  You have the most amazing eyes! I can’t wait to do your “part two” this fall!

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