Kelby Photowalk – A Repost Featuring HDR Photography

I had a friend ask me about my HDR photography the other day, so I thought I’d repost a blog entry from my old blog where I talked about the Scott Kelby WorldWide Photo Walk in the Fall of 2011.  I really missed doing it this past fall. I will NOT miss it again in 2013!

And just to let you know, my favorite shot down there from the Saturday walk (with the vases and the bicycle reflection) won Best Photo of all entries in Cincinnati. I went on to compete with all the other city winners in the International division. I didn’t win, but it was a real honor to be selected as the Cincinnati winner among so many great local professionals.


I can’t believe that this is the fourth year of the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk. It’s always been so much fun, and so interesting to see how a group of 50 or so people can walk basically the same steps and yet view the world in such different ways.

This year there were two walks in Cincinnati, but since they were on different days, I got to walk twice! The Saturday walk was hosted by David Ziser and the Sunday walk was hosted by Jason Lykens.  Both are fantastic photographers with entirely different styles and approaches, and so that was extra fun for me. Shannon went with me on the “Jason Walk” this year.

Here are some of the shots that I took on the Saturday walk, which covered the redevelopment of Vine Street in Over-the-Rhine.

Kelby Photowalk Cincinnati 2011, Cincinnati photographer, Cincinnati street photography

My favorite shot of the day was this one, which I submitted as my entry for the photo contest:


On Sunday, we walked at the end of the day and walked towards the riverfront. My shots look entirely different. I love that!


I have trouble picking my favorite from Sunday, but it’s probably this one:


or this one, I can’t decide….


What do you think?

Shannon’s shot of the day was this beauty:


Pretty awesome, isn’t it?  A big thanks to David and Jason for being such great hosts and always keeping it interesting, welcoming, and very very fun!

  • Sara-anne Wolgin Caudle - I love the yellow glass shots with the cyclist in the reflection…and I love the last shot…love the pop of red!ReplyCancel

  • Jen Long Lucas - Love your HDR work!ReplyCancel

  • Vivian Smith - OMG..these are gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Vivian Smith - I would frame the bicycle one!ReplyCancel

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