Kieran P ~ Mariemont High School Class of 2014 | Mariemont Senior Portrait Photographer

Back again with another MHS Class of 2014 senior, Kieran P!  Kieran is yet another talented student athlete musician (are you getting tired of me saying that yet?).

We did Kieran’s photos during my self-proclaimed “soccer week” when it seemed like I had day after day of photographing the MHS soccer team seniors.  I tried to do something different with everybody, hopefully I succeeded!  I especially love Kieran’s soccer pics that we took downtown amongst the buildings ~ that was his idea and I think it worked out brilliantly!

I hope you’re all enjoying your holiday weekend ~ I can’t believe that it’s the official end of summer this weekend. Hope you had a good one!


  • Jackie Grupp Phelan - Barb- these are great! I love the one on the stone fence playing the guitar. And my fav is the city view soccer picture. Thanks so much!ReplyCancel

    • Barb - My pleasure! So glad you like them!ReplyCancel

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