Lily G – Mariemont High School Class of 2016 | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

“We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.” ~ Carol Burnett

Carol sure had it right, but there’s a a lot of excitement and frankly WORK leading up to that big graduation day.  Needless to say I’ve been out and about and taking literally thousands of photos of this year’s soon-to-be-graduates….the Class of 2016.  In the next several weeks, you’re going to be seeing a LOT of them here, starting today!

Today I’m featuring Lily G. Lily is a senior at Mariemont High School, and on my BCHP Model team for 2015/2016!  As usual, she’s a real go-getter…She’s involved in many school activities, including volleyball, DECA, AFS, Key Club, National Honor Society, and the spring musical.  She loves babysitting and volunteering for  her church, and loves spending time with her friends, her dogs (her dogs are so cute!), her family (okay, her family is really cute too!), and a good book!


Lily, I”m sorry that these took so long, but I hope they were worth the wait!  Thanks for being so beautiful, both inside and out!

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