Mariemont High School Presents – The Odd Couple

For the last year and a half, it’s been my pleasure to have become involved in the drama department at Shannon’s high school. I basically coordinate all the volunteer work that must go on behind the scenes, and Andy and I both work on the set building crew. For this year’s fall play, The (female) Odd Couple, Shannon was the set manager instead of having an acting role. She was basically responsible for all of the props and actors getting on and off of the stage at the right time. It was her job to keep the show rolling and she did a great job.

This fall’s show was SO funny. Even after watching most of the several dress rehearsals and all four performances, I still laugh really hard when I look at the pictures.

I took pictures at every performance, but tried to get close ups on both the Saturday and Sunday performances. The role of Olive was split between two actors, so I have two sets of photos below.  I hope you like them! Be sure to not miss the “crying on the couch” scene in both sets.  So funny!  Congrats to all the great actors, the awesome crew, and Sean Cameron, our incredible director. He will be missed, as this was his last show at Mariemont. I also want to extend a huge THANK YOU to all my amazing parent volunteers and everybody who kept me standing straight and somewhat sane during the last few weeks.  I sure appreciate it.

So on with the show……

Saturday night:


And Sunday afternoon:

I hope you like these as much as I do!

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