Payton W ~ Ohio University Renaissance Man

Today I’d like to introduce you to my friend Payton. I met Payton after my daughter told me about her fabulous new friend that she met through her theatre troupe at Ohio University. He’s just awesome! Last summer he asked me if I would do some photo work with him for his acting portfolio. Well that’s a big YES for sure. I’ve been slacking but it’s finally time to share some of his pics with you. They are so fun and each location has an entirely different feel ~ aaah, the many facets of Payton!

Payton is a triple major at Ohio University studying Acting, Anthropology, and French. Yeah, they don’t sound like they connect but he will gladly dispute that. He is currently involved in a production of Cabaret that will be showing in early December. After graduating he plans to spend a year teaching English in France and seeing where that leads him. Ultimately he wants to return to the States and hike the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail before going on a tour of the country to find where he’ll finally settle down, if ever. He would love it if you would follow him on Instagram (@paytonwilks)!

Nous t’aimons, Payton!

There are a bunch of new murals in OTR near Findlay Market as well, so I thought I’d share. No more sunflowers….

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