There are some photographers out there who shoot literally hundreds of high school seniors every year. I don’t do that. Compared to others, I probably do very few. I’m convinced, however, that less is certainly more and I always manage to get the best of the best, and today I get to introduce you to another.
Meet Peter L. Peter is a senior at Mariemont High School, and is an accomplished musician, artist, and actor. Given his creative soul, he had great ideas for locations that were a bit off-the-beaten-path, including Shake It Records in Northside, Over the Rhine (my favorite place to shoot!), Sawyer Point (Bicentennial Commons) and the Carew Tower observation deck. I loved it!
So with no further adieu, here is Peter, class of 2013. I had a hard time with these….not because they aren’t good, but because they were all SO good. It was hard to choose. Not that I’m complaining, that’s the best problem to have.
Shake It Records – Northside
Shake It Records – Northside, Carew Tower Observation – Cincinnati
Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

Over the Rhine – Cincinnati

The old piano at Sawyer Point – Cincinnati

Sawyer Point – Cincinnati
- Sawyer Point – Cincinnati

Sawyer Point – Cincinnati

Sawyer Point Pavillion – Cincinnati
And that, my friends, is all for today. Peter, I hope you like your pictures! If you’re visiting and like them, leave me a comment below 😀