Sam L – Mariemont High School Class of 2014 | Mariemont Senior Portrait Photographer

Okay, I admit it, I’m a sucker for redheads, especially when they have freckles and kind of look like my dad.

Meet Sam.  Sam is not only another fabulous member of the new 2014 Mariemont High School senior class, but he happens to also play multiple instruments in band,  is a member of Drum Line, play three varsity sports (football, swimming, and lacrosse) and just happens to be the 2013 Ohio state champion lacrosse goalie!  Go Sam!

Sam is also a cousin of mine, so what can I say…I’m a fan.  Hogans and Longs, we go WAY back!

As you’ll see, Sam is a guy who can not keep a straight face ~ that infectious grin just doesn’t stop.  I love the sparkly green eyes too.

Never mind the gigantic cicada who joined us at Terrace Park Country Club…. EWWW!

  • Wendy Allen Long - Barb – these are absolutely fabulous!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE and crying over my senior lol ReplyCancel

  • Amy Hunkler Batchelor - WHAT? A senior? Where does the time go? Gorgeous photos! So sweet.ReplyCancel

  • Shannon Krauss Kromer - Gorgeous pics…handsome boy!ReplyCancel

  • Lila Wells - I’m a sucker for redheads too! Love these!ReplyCancel

    • Barb - Hi Lila! Yes, I can see how you’d be fond of redheads! Thanks for the nice comment 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Jen Long Lucas - How great! Love the variety and & good lookin’ kid too 🙂ReplyCancel

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