Sarah L ~ Madeira High School Class of 2015 | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

Sometimes the best things just take a while….like my session with Sarah L. She was one of my model team members for this past season. It just seemed like one thing after another kept getting in the way of taking her photos ~ the weather, illness, the weather, life, the weather….you get the picture. Well, actually you didn’t. But now you do and they are worth the wait.

Sarah graduated from Madeira High School in May. She’s a student leader and scholar, ran track, played soccer, and was MHS Homecoming Queen last fall. I”m sure I’m missing a ton of stuff. Sarah is leaving for The Ohio State University in just a week or two, where she will be joining her older brother and will be working towards being an occupational therapist in the future! The people that she will help will be lucky to have her. Sarah is just a delight to be around, as she’s funny, smart, and chatty (just like me…ha ha ha!).

We had a great session and her photos were indeed worth the wait, they are fabulous just like she is. IMG_3037-2IMG_3116IMG_3239IMG_3530IMG_3642IMG_3686

Best of luck at OSU, Sarah! Have a great time!

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