The B Family ~ A Magic Hour Foundation Photo Shoot

You may or may not remember, but I’m one of the photographers selected to represent the Magic Hour Foundation, a charitable organization that was founded to provide cancer warriors and survivors and their families with free and discreet photography services.

It’s been a while, but I had another great MHF shoot in Dayton Ohio, two weeks ago with the B family.  Gayle is a spunky, breast cancer survivor who has faced a number of medical issues recently (she had foot surgery today!) but has faced them with grace and determination.  It was such fun getting to know her wonderful family and taking their photos at the beautiful Dayton Art Institute.  Props to the staff at DAI who also donated admission and let me shoot there for free because it was done for a charitable cause. I highly recommend a visit there if you get the chance.

Everybody was patient and great, even the little tykes.  We pushed them to their limits, that’s for sure!  Thanks to all the B family for your help and support and here’s to a long and happy life for G!

For more information about the Magic Hour Foundation, or if you’d like to nominate a friend or family member who is either fighting cancer or has been a cancer survivor for two years or less, click HERE or drop me an email at  It’s such a wonderful gift for our courageous cancer fighters!  You can also find Magic Hour Foundation on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Jen - What a great location & looks like a super fun and sweet family!ReplyCancel

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