The Howland Family

First I want to thank everybody for stopping by and checking out my new site this week, it’s been pretty exciting getting it out there on the web at last!

Today I have my first new set of sneak peeks.  Last week I got an opportunity to take pictures of the Howland family, a lovely family not too far from me that has not had the entire family together at home in many years. For a few days, they had an opportunity to have everybody back in Cincinnati.

They are a really fun family, and it was obvious how much they all love and care for each other. One additional thing that made the day special is that due to a job transfer, the home that they have lived in for 28 years is being sold due to a job move. I believe that this was the last opportunity for the children who live far away (California, Minnesota, etc.) to see the home that they grew up in for the last time.


So Howlands, I hope you like your peeks! Of course I didn’t show you the best ones, I can’t spoil all the surprises!

For the rest of you, I’m going to be introducing my senior models on Monday morning. Have a great weekend and Happy Father’s Day to all!


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