Website Updates!

Where does the time go?  Oh yeah, it goes quickly when you’ve been on vacation for a few weeks!  Well I’m happy to report that I’m not only back and shooting a ton of gorgeous images, but I’ve also managed to make a few changes to my website in the last month.

One improvement that I’ve added is an availability calendar. Now potential clients can see what session times and dates I have open in the future. Here’s what it looks like, and you can find this calendar by going to the INFO tab on the top of my site, and then clicking on SESSION AVAILABILITY.

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I have also updated (FINALLY!!!) my senior gallery!  I’m all caught up and now you can view them all at once, as a slideshow, or individually.  Classes of 2014, 2015, and 2016….ge sure to go out there and check them out!  You can see them by going to the GALLERIES tab and then SENIORS, or going straight to the page at  I have also updated the family gallery in the same manner, so check that out as well.  This week I’m going to be adding another gallery of Special Events.
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Finally, it’s almost that time again…time to think about your Christmas Cards, and I have added my Christmas Card Sample gallery back to the GALLERIES tab as well.  If you need photos for those Christmas cards, call me!

I hope you like my updates!

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