White Sangria for a Hot, HOT Day

In case you haven’t noticed – or if you’re in the Southern hemisphere right now – it’s hot out there. Big time hot. So far past Africa hot. Fortunately, I’m married to a man who is not only a fine person, but a talented mixologist as well. That’s always a good thing, especially when you’re in the mood for some really tasty white Sangria. It might not do much to counter the heat, but so what, right? It can’t hurt to try.

I promised that I’d start repeating some of my popular recipes that I had posted on my old blog, and this is one of them, which I originally posted in 2010.

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Andy makes a killer white Sangria and he agreed to let me share his secret recipe with all of you today so that you can make it and have a smile on your face this evening.

Andy’s White Sangria



  • 1 standard bottle of chardonnay (doesn’t need to be expensive)
  • 6 oz orange pineapple juice
  • 6 oz lemonade
  • 3 oz triple sec
  • 3 oz lemoncello liquour
  • 1 oz rum
  • 1 oz brandy (cheap brandy is great)
  • fresh limes, lemons, and oranges

Mix everything together, then squeeze the juice from the fresh fruit. Give it all a stir. If you have enough patience to wait for a few hours or even overnight before serving, it’s even better.  Serve over ice with fruit in your glass.  YUM!

  • Cheryl Caldwell-Nyboer - Thanks for the invitation to follow your awesome blog!!ReplyCancel

  • Jan Connair - This sounds like a really tasty sangria recipe. I’m imagining a glassful with fresh strawberries in it and licking my lips. Yummo.ReplyCancel

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