Well, I thought that with a daughter who is two years out of high school, my days of bawling my eyes out on the closing matinee of the Mariemont High School spring musical were over. Jeez, I was DEAD WRONG, as I started getting weepy at the opening number!
I love this class of seniors so much, they are very special to me going back to their freshman year when Jonathan was stuffed into a box and played Chip the teacup, Seth was LeFou, and Santi was a candle. Sigh. I will miss them so much!
I could go on and on about how amazing this show was, but if you saw it you already know. So I’ll just end it here and let you see the show from my point of view (be sure to view in HD!).
All photos (there are over 400, including bows and the cast photos from the Wall of Fame!) are available for view here: Brigadoon but here’s some sneak peeks….