Ryan F Sneak Peeks – Mariemont High School Class of 2013

It’s that time again – time for more sneak peeks for yet another fantastic Class of 2013 senior!

Meet Ryan. Ryan is a senior at Mariemont High school this year, and like his classmates that have been on my blog lately, he’s also all full of awesomesauce.  Ryan does everything and does it well – he’s a varsity soccer player, he’s the drum major for the band, he’s involved in theatre, he’s in the drum line, he sings in Chamber Chorus, and he writes his own songs and sings.  And he doesn’t just sing, he sings amazingly well!  He also taught himself to play piano in the last year and as a piano student myself, I can’t tell you how much in awe I am of the ability to do THAT.  Wowza.  I’m sure he’s involved in a million other things that I’m just not aware of as well.

Ryan recently auditioned for and got a spot in the Cincinnati May Festival Youth Chorus – which is the choral group that sings with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. They perform at Music Hall, so I thought that would be a cool place to do some of his photos. The architecture there is so amazing – they just don’t build buildings like that anymore. We also found some grungy spots in Over-the-Rhine (always my favorite!), as well as Findlay Market.  You just never know what’s going to happen when you’re down there and during Ryan’s photo shoot we were always being approached by an interesting cast of characters.  We had a lot of fun out and about and he was always up for trying something somewhat crazy. I love that!

So Ryan, I know you have been waiting too long for these – here you go!

Over the Rhine, Cincinnati Ohio

Findlay Market, Cincinnati Ohio

Over the Rhine, Cincinnati Ohio

Over the Rhine, Cincinnati Ohio

Findlay Market, Cincinnati Ohio

Washington Park, Cincinnati Ohio

Findlay Market, Cincinnati Ohio

Music Hall, Cincinnati Ohio

Music Hall, Cincinnati Ohio

Over the Rhine, Cincinnati Ohio

Over the Rhine, Cincinnati Ohio

Riverside Drive, Cincinnati Ohio


And since you’re here, please take the time to watch Ryan’s latest video. He wrote this song about a classmate who tragically lost his life last spring. It’s haunting and beautiful.

But wait, there’s more. I love this too.

You can find more of Ryan’s songs HERE.

Ryan, I hope you like your pics as much as I like taking them!  Your full gallery should be ready in a week or so.

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