Andrew M ~ Mariemont High School Class of 2017 | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

Hi friends and welcome back on this dreary Monday. I hope you had a great holiday weekend. Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner? With all the negativity out there in the world lately, I’m looking forward to a month full of twinkly lights and sparkling packages…a few cookies too!

Today I’m dusting off my holiday watermark with another senior session. This is Andrew. He’s a senior at Mariemont after returning to Cincinnati after several years of living in Tennessee. I know that his pals back here in Mariemont and Terrace Park are really happy to have him back to graduate with them.

When he’s at school, Andrew is involved in lacrosse, the water sports club, Mock Trial, Model UN, Chess Club and National Honor Society. When he’s not in school, you can find him wake boarding, snowboarding, hiking, reading, and watching movies. Being the outdoorsy type and the smarty type too, Andrew has applied at 13 different universities (wow!) including Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cal Poly. His main goal, however, is to be happy, and keep having fun outdoors playing lacrosse, and pursuing his outdoor interests while he’s away at school.

Andrew has an older brother, two fun loving parents, and a crazy dog named River who joined him in his photo shoot. I love shooting with dogs. Everybody always apologizes to me about their dog, but I have dogs, so I get it. Dogs are awesome.  Andrew’s favorite bands and movies vary with his mood, but his favorite ice cream is chocolate mint.

Thanks Andrew for the great session and for bringing your entire family along for the fun, and thanks to the Hayes family for letting us shoot in their awesome property along the river.



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