BHCP Class of 2015 Models!

I was originally going to announce my new team this coming Friday, but I just can’t wait that long!

First, I want to sincerely thank everybody who applied. I had a huge response to my model call and I’m just thrilled that so many people were interested.  Sadly, I couldn’t pick everybody, so if you were one of the people who didn’t get selected, just know that it wasn’t because you aren’t fabulous.  You are.  You are all amazing!

I also want to thank my fellow photographer friends around the country who helped me choose this weekend. Since I personally know a lot of people who applied, I thought it was only fair that I let some others help me do the selections.  So thanks to Andie and Amy from Dallas Texas, Melissa from Burlington North Carolina, Deb from Newport News Virginia, Liz from Cordova Tennessee, Chris from Las Vegas Nevada, Johanna from Long Island New York, and Susan from Pensacola Florida.  Applicants were judged on enthusiasm, school/community involvement, and the strength of their application.

I love this quote from Liv Tyler, that pretty much sums it up with how I feel about my new model team:

“There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone’s spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that’s beautiful to me.”

That’s exactly how I feel!  So without any further adieu, here is my team of fantastic young men and women.  Presenting the Class of 2015! I can’t wait to work with you all!


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