Bird Feeder Fun

I took a pretty rough fall a week ago and smashed my face “to smithereens”. Needless to say I’ve been pretty down and out ever since.  I’m on the mend, however, with no serious injuries (thank goodness!). Today I dusted off my camera and attempted to take some non iPhone photos for the first time in two weeks.  I wasn’t sure my face could take it, but it did  😀

My bird feeders are a constant source of amusement for both me and the dogs (and yes, I know I’m easily amused).  I especially like the variety of woodpeckers that we get at the one feeder with the chunky food.  This guy below is a part of a family of very large woodpeckers that are almost a foot tall. I thought they were pileated woodpeckers, but I have done a bit of research, and it turns out I was wrong. They are red-bellied woodpeckers, even though their heads are red, not their bellies.  We also get a bunch of downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, and red-cockaded woodpeckers.  Why does this all sound dirty to me? The names make me snicker like a 12 year old boy. But they are what they are and I like seeing them around!

We also have two really FAT squirrels that terrorize Rory and eat the thistle seed from the finch feeder. Say what? Since when do squirrels eat thistle seed?  Since this week, I suppose. The one fatso knocked our hippie gnome off of his spot yesterday and I found Gnome lying face down in the dirt like Mr. Bill (Oh NOOOOOO!).  But like me, he’s looking a bit rough but suffered no long term damage as well. Fat jerks. These squirrels mock me every day. Check out the one below, I swear he’s laughing at me.





No school today, winter is finally here. It can go now.  Keep warm.

  • Brenda Kelley Kim - OMG! That squirrel! Eeek. Love the bird feeder shots, your winter looks gorgeous!ReplyCancel

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