Christmas Pics with Dogs! | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

I wasn’t planning on doing any more sessions in 2022, especially given that the weather has been so dreary and dark. But hey, if you’ve followed my blog for years, you might remember my former assistant Colin, who asked me if I’d do Christmas pics with his partner Shelby and their silly dogs. How does one say no to THAT, right? So here we are…..and I’m so glad we did this as these two are two of my all time favorite humans. They are family.

One needs to move fast when shooting with toddlers and/or dogs. Ranger and Ali were not keen on posing, but it made for a lot of laughs and a LOT of hilarious out takes. Ranger, the husky, was very vocal about his dislike of the process as well. He’s so funny! So here are a few of the really nice ones and the really funny ones! I just couldn’t not share….

First, the “pretty ones”…..

And now the FUNNY ONES!

Love these two, love silly dogs, and I love a photo shoot full of laughs!

Merry Christmas everybody! xoxo ~ bah

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