Cincinnati Reds vs. Phillies | The Dragonfly Foundation

I have been so behind on posting, but it hasn’t kept me from taking pics in the last few weeks, that’s for sure.  A couple of weeks ago I had another great opportunity to go see the Reds play the Phillies and take pics for The Dragonfly Foundation. The weather was horrible – we had a two hour rain delay – but it didn’t matter because we were under cover and cozy in the Pilot House.  We had such a great time and when the game did get rolling, Homer Bailey was outstanding!

The Dragonfly kids always make the best of everything…even a stormy baseball game!  Love them – I’m so lucky to have found them!

The Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati PhotographerThe Dragonfly Foundation, Barb Hogan Contemporary Photography, Cincinnati Photographer

  • Melissa Scheumann Dedic - Love them all! Especially the smiling faces in the rain ponchos! Your photos capture so much emotion! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Barb Noland Hogan - Thank you! It helps to have very enthusiastic subjects 😀ReplyCancel

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