Here Fish-eye, Fish-eye!

Andy and I spent a great evening with our friends C&R last weekend, celebrating our mutual wedding anniversaries.  We got married on 6/8/1991 and they got married on 6/15/1991, exactly one week apart, and we’re still all together!  That’s a total of 44 years of marriage which makes us sound tremendously old, I will admit.  Ah well.

After a great dinner at Wine Guys Bistro, we had tickets to see the Cincinnati Reds whoop up on the Milwaukee Brewers.  It was a pretty boring game so C and I were game to leave when it went into extra innings.  The guys weren’t that happy with us, but we left anyways.  And yeah, we ate some crow when Jay Bruce jacked a walk off homer to win the game in the bottom of the 10th just as we got back to our rooms at The Phelps before heading off to the casino.  Who knew, right?

I didn’t take many pics but I did play around with the fisheye lens at the ballgame.  Here they are:

cincinnati photographer, great american ballpark, mariemont photographer

cincinnati photographer, great american ballpark, mariemont photographer

cincinnati photographer, great american ballpark, mariemont photographer

Strange for sure, but fun!

  • Jana Perenchio - Very cool & congrats on your anniversary!ReplyCancel

  • Jen - Happy Anniversary! My parents were 6/8/68–easy to remember as a kid 🙂 This looks super FUN! Love your color here too!ReplyCancel

  • Andie Smith - fun!ReplyCancel

  • Becky Dein Novacek - You have to have fun-and these are great fun!ReplyCancel

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