Kacie & Craig are Married! | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

As you probably know, I don’t shoot many weddings. In fact, I really haven’t done one in about 3 years. But when my friend Tracy asked me to talk to her lovely niece Kacie about shooting her wedding this fall, I had to say yes.  Kacie and Craig wanted some more urban style bridal portraits and since that what I seem to like the best, it sounded like a good fit!  The weather was dicey, but everything worked out great and it was really fun setting up the “first look” shots in the gazebo at Washington Park!

Best wishes to Kacie and Craig, who are “old married people” by now, and a big thanks to Colin for taking a break from his busy college life to help me with this one, I couldn’t have done it alone that’s for sure!

And is this sweet little nugget the cutest thing ever?  She’s already got the modeling thing down!

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