I’m always on the lookout for fun new places to take photos. I have an upcoming shoot with Emily K. and we’re doing hers in the historic section of Loveland Ohio. I hadn’t really explored there much before, so about two weeks ago Shannon and I went up there to check it out. I’m so fortunate to have a willing and experienced model living right in my own house. We took a lot of shots, but these are my favorite!
In the next photo on the left, we were standing near a light pole. Some older gent who was kind of scruffy (I’m being nice here!) made a crack about her being a pole dancer. That did NOT go over well, thankyouverymuch. Gross. You just never know who you’re going to run into on the bike trail, that’s for sure!

“I am NOT a pole dancer, you gross old jerk!”
So thank you Shannon for being my model in Loveland, and Emily…. you have a bit of an idea of what your location is going to look like. There’s WAY more than this, however. Fun stuff for sure!
Have a great day!
Carol Raley - Nice location, beautiful model and photography!
Jan Connair - Shannon is a natural, that’s for sure. The colors are amazing in these photos. Love the blue-and-white dress with the red booties. With Shannon’s dark hair and the natural looking makeup, it all just makes her skin look creamy and perfect. I especially like the pose where she is leaning up against the corner of the white building, and the very last one is adorable. You guys are a good team!