New Beginnings | Cincinnati Birth Photographer

In the last couple of days, I’ve been contacted by two new-moms-to-be asking about maternity, birth, and baby photography.  While I don’t do too much of this (I would love to, just haven’t really had the opportunities YET), I have had the honor of photographing two live births in the past.  What a special honor it is to be asked to document such a special event. There is truly nothing like it.

I will admit that while I was present for the birth of my daughter, THAT particular birth was an entirely different experience for me, as you can imagine.  So when I got to witness my first live birth as a photographer, I really got to witness what an amazing process it really is (from a totally different, and pain free, perspective!).

In both births that I photographed, mom was cutting it just a bit too closely and nearly didn’t make it to her room.  In the second case, mom had baby in triage….which is still better than in the car on Columbia Parkway in the middle of the night!  I remember parking my car and running a full out sprint up to labor & delivery hoping that I wouldn’t miss the birth. I didn’t, but I barely made it.  I got my workout that morning.  So it was very cramped in there (only really room for a nurse and the patient) and most of my pics were done once baby arrived.  There just wasn’t any real labor to document, as most of that was done in the car on the way to the hospital.

And with that and permission from mom and dad K & J, I thought I’d share some of my pics from that special day.  Welcome baby Oliver!  He came into the world in a big hurry and he hasn’t slowed down a bit since.




modelcallFor those of you here, don’t forget about my model contest.  I”m still looking for entries until Friday, February 7th.  You can read more and/or apply here:  Class of 2015 Model Contest.

Slots are also filling up for my Valentine Mini day a week from tomorrow ~ Saturday, February 1st.  Read more here: Valentine Mini Sessions.

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