Shooting in Rochester – Part One | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

Earlier this summer I had the pleasure of flying to Rochester New York to photograph two friends and their beautiful girls. It was quite the whirlwind trip and needless to say, I took literally THOUSANDS of photos. The only good part of this ridiculously rainy weather that we’ve had in Cincinnati this summer is that it gave me dedicated time to edit all of their photos.

Today I’m sharing some that I took of the C family!  Rochester has some super cool areas to shoot at, and I am always looking for fresh and new locations, especially when they have graffiti!  You know how I LOVE graffiti!

I had such a blast with my friends and their beautiful daughters. It was so nice to hang out, laugh, eat, gripe, and just veg with them for the three days.

Today I’m showing you A, H, and Z and in a few days you’ll get the other family!


I just loved this location SO MUCH!


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