Welcome to my New Blog and Site!


After about eight weeks of pulling my hair out, cursing, and feeling like it would never happen, I’m happy to finally release the first post here on my new blog and photography site!

Over the last year or so, I found that my old blog just wasn’t what I wanted it to be, and over time, with the exception of photography sneak peeks, I basically gave up on it. I guess I just lost motivation and focus.  But thanks to some wise friends of mine who also happen to be great cheerleaders and very encouraging, I finally took that next step to do some of my photography justice and created my own new site.

Here on barbhoganphoto.com, you’ll be able to see my galleries, blog, and photo information all together in one place.  I’ll still keep the public side of my Smugmug galleries up, but this will be the primary place to view my work from today on. As for the blog, while it’ll be heavily photography-based, I will still be sharing my life and recipes like I did on the old blog. In fact, over the next several months, I hope to re-publish several of my old blog entries and most of my recipes there were popular on the old typepad site.

I have lots to say coming up soon. I have a new job. I have a new puppy (we have two now!). I’ve been a part of an incredible year-long photography project. I have five 2012-13 senior models at three different schools to announce. I’ve won a photography contest and my photography has been published in the Cincinnati Enquirer.  I’ve made a bunch of new friends. I’ve got more sneak peaks to share. My kid has had some great high school adventures. I’m trying to learn how to take creative photos with my iPhone. So yeah, I’ve got a lot to say and I can’t wait to share it!

I have lots of people to thank for helping me get this site off of the ground, especially my creative and talented friends Kim Richardson, Julia Lair, and Mary Beth Khamis for finally convincing me that I needed to share my art and my eye.  If it weren’t for sharing a salad with them in early May, this site would not exist, and I’m really grateful.

A special thanks to Chris Lewis, who has been referring me and been my biggest supporter for about eight years now, and Terri Hogan for being my biggest out of town fan.

Thanks to my unbelievably talented photographer friends Deb and Grant Perry of Grant Deb Photographers (Newport News, Virginia), Andie Smith of Andie Mae Photography (Dallas Texas), and Jessie Baldwin of Speckled Bird Art Photography (Las Vegas, Nevada), for their huge amount of support anytime I need to pick their brain about anything and everything photography related.  Deb also took my headshots for this site, and I swear she’s the only person in the world that can take a photo of me that I actually LIKE.

Thanks to Arlyn Scott for bailing me out when I was in a huge photo-pickle this spring, and doing such a good job that I never for a minute worried about it.

Thanks to Dave Ebbesmeyer of AI Software for his encouragement and expertise in helping me get this site launched from the bottom up and for the great Starbucks staff meetings.

Props to my fellow Mariemont High School drama parents and friends for helping me get my foot through a door that I thought would never ever open.

And finally, a huge thanks to my wonderful family Andy and Shannon for putting up with me when I’m either off taking pics somewhere or permenantly attached to my computer for long hours at a time. Without them, I sure couldn’t do what I love to do so much.

So let’s get on with it….The other post here was my last photography post from my old blog – Amy, now a new graduate of Seven Hills High School.  And while I’m live here, the site is still basically under construction, there are plenty of things I want to fix and tweak. But for now, enough of the old, let’s get on with the new!



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