Breakfast at Tiffany’s | Cincinnati Portrait Photographer

This weekend I had the opportunity to take pics at a party thrown by Mariemont senior Maddy and her lovely mom Jennifer, to celebrate senior year and the good friendships that they’ve all made along the way. There were about 25 young ladies there and it was such a lovely event! It was extra fun for me, as I have known many of these great young ladies for quite a while now and as I always say, my seniors are just like my own. Now I have even more to call my own this year from the Class of 2017!

Check out the video with all the lovely little black dresses and pearls!


Here are some of the pics but you can view them all here (pass: moriarty): Breakfast at Tiffany’s Party Photos


Thanks Maddy and Jennifer for having me at your lovely event, it was awesome, just like both of you!

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