Clara S ~ Mariemont High School Class of 2017

I’d like to introduce my next member of the Class of 2017 ~ my friend, BHCP model team member, and photography assistant Clara!

I met Clara a few years ago as a incoming freshman when I did senior pics for her big brother Jack. Since then her family and our family have become good pals. Clara and I have been talking about her senior session for a while and the time is finally here!

Clara goes to Mariemont High School and involved in music and sports. She is in the marching band and competitive drum line. She also plays on the golf team, and lacrosse in the spring. She is obsessed with the mountains and snow and you can find her on school breaks often flying down a mountain in the west on her snowboard. Clara is also an amazing video maker and can create pure magic with her GoPro camera ~ I need to take some lessons from her because her videos are SO COOL! She’s a sporty outdoor girl and I love how she is always up for finding new adventures.



As you can tell, we were all over the place for pics because that’s how we roll! Props to my daughter Mauri who tagged along to help me with Clara’s shoot in OTR and in the forest. Thanks for putting up with me Clara and being the beautiful you that you are!

  • Denise Scholtz - Barb, these are beautiful. I have been overwhelmed with band camp stuff and it was so nice to finally go through and look at them without any time constraints. I’ll follow up with you about a book! Thanks sweet friend!ReplyCancel

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