Jack F – Sneak Peeks Part Deux | Anderson Township Portrait Photographer

Hey friends,

Yes, I’m back atcha with more sneak peeks from super senior Jack F. You saw some of his shots last week and I’m back with more today.  Jack gets two sneak peeks here on the BHCP blog  because he booked my “over the top” package, with basically is an anything goes multi day session. Two days, any locations, as many outfits as you want ~ in other words, I go over the top for you!  I always try to over deliver, but I over-over-deliver on this one.

I have to say that this second session with Jack wasn’t without drama. Most of my sessions go off without a hitch, but not this one.  We planned on meeting at Spring Grove Cemetery (you can see some of my SGC shots here) at 6:15pm.  Colin and I were there and waiting and the security guards closed THE BIG GATES behind us, locking us in and Jack out. Of course I didn’t have his cell number (STUPID!).  Evidently Spring Grove closes at 6pm most nights of the week.  Who knew?  I sure didn’t, but I do now.  Fortunately Jack and his dad Jim found us (LUCKY!). So we headed off to Alms Park and I made a flip comment about how I hoped that there wasn’t a wedding there. Alms is a popular place for outdoor weddings due to the beautiful pergola and pavillion. And guess what? You got it ~ wedding. And rain drops. And I left my memory card in the kitchen while my back up one was in my car and of course I took a different car.  Gaaah.  Thank goodness Colin was there to bail me out on that one. It was just one of those days, I suppose.  Oh, did I mention how we walked down this old stairway into what looked to be an overgrown jungle?  Yeah, well when we walked down there it was indeed an overgrown jungle ~ a poison ivy jungle.  Thank goodness Jack had long pants and long sleeves.  We didn’t.  We were sporting flip flops too.  Special. Fortunately, the poison ivy did not get the best of either Colin nor I (LUCKY).  On a positive side….the photos are great, we all had some laughs, and all ended fine (including the wedding, which wrapped up pretty quickly!).

Jack has a great sense of humor, and on these peeks, I’ve included some of his “out-takes” as well.

Welcome to the Hyde Park Poison Ivy Jungle (below)!

And again….big props to Colin for the awesome fisheye shots.

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