Jack F ~ Turpin High School Class of 2014 | Cincinnati Senior Portrait Photographer

Today I have sneak peeks for a young man that I have known for several years now.  I’m happy to introduce you to Jack F, a senior at Turpin High School. For some reason, I always happen to get such talented musicians, and Jack is no exception. He’s a great bassoonist and plays in the Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra and the marching band at school. He’s just a great all around musician and a great all around good person of course!  A year from now, Jack will be headed off to college to major in engineering.

We had a lot of fun down at the super cool Washington Park, and even ran into a few local celebrities while we were there, like mayor Mark Mallory and former Bengal and great and super cool Cincinnatian, Dhani Jones. I think they were just in the park to see us.

After Washington Park, we headed up to Mt. Adams. I’m always looking for new ways to take pics up there, and I hope we got a few in our session…

Props to Colin for some awesome fisheye shots ~ he’s rockin’ it lately 😀

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