Mariemont Concert in the Park

I’ve said it before, I’m constantly amazed at the level of talent displayed by the students in our schools.

For a high school with only about 450 students, I’m always amazed at how many students excel in academics, fine arts, and sports at Mariemont High School . So many students excel in all of the above.

Shannon has been fortunate to have gotten involved in music and drama last year, and through those activities, made friends with some really great upperclassmen. Last Tuesday, some of her friends held a concert in one of our local parks. Three soloists – Ryan Fine, Kirstyn Hippe, and Peter Laug – were soloists, each performing a selection of songs written by other artists and songs that they wrote themselves.  After the soloists, the band The Rioteers, featuring Ian Mellon, Brandon Jacobs, and Emma Welch performed.

The music was fantastic, and I’m still amazed at the level of talent. I believe that all of these young men and women sing, and play multiple instruments. They can (and do!) pretty much perform any genre of music as well.  Kirstyn is an up-and-coming YouTube video star, and has won or been a finalist in several national competitions.

Anyhow, the concert was terriffic. The weather cooperated, as it wasn’t too hot and humid, and there was a decent breeze. I’m glad I decided to take pictures.  Big props to Donna Welch for organizing the event. Given the size of the crowd, I think it was a huge success. Even our pup Rory had a good time.

Here is a slideshow of my favorite shots from the show. There are about 70. I know that’s a lot, but it was a long show and all of the photos turned out so well.  Again, I have little self control when it comes to fun photos.  I really love these young men and women, so indulge me!

Someday when they’re famous, I’ll get to brag that I knew then when…..  And speaking of famous Mariemont alumni, big props to Mariemont High School alum Nick Thoman who is bringing home both gold and silver medals in swimming from the 2012 London Olympics!  He may train in Charlotte now, but he’ll always be one of ours!

Oh, and if you like the pics, leave me a comment below 🙂

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