The Flour Shop Bakery

Some of you may know that my daughter Shannon is an aspiring pastry chef.  She’s good.  Actually, she’s REALLY good. Anybody who isn’t afraid to make croissants from scratch at age 15 certainly has what it takes.


Anyhow, she’s started her own baking blog, The Flour Shop Bakery.

She wants to feature her own baking creations, as well as review bakeries and pastry shops that she visits. She’ll also be taking orders for treats, such as challah breads for the holidays, or gourmet cupcakes for your parties. Her prices are very reasonable and we’ll deliver to your house.

In addition to her own recipes and cooking/baking experiences, she’ll also be doing all of her own photography. She’s taking photography classes this year in school, so this should be a great way for her to practice.

You can find her new blog – The Flour Shop Bakery – HERE. I hope you’ll check it out and continue to follow her. And if you’re in the area, stop by. We’ve probably got something homemade and tasty for you to sample!


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