MHS Drumline Sneak Peeks | Mariemont High School Photographer

My dog was in the hospital,
My kid was in the hospital,
My central air died,
My car died,
It snowed (okay, it didn’t really snow). 

Yes, I feel as if my life HAS turned into a country song as of late. Apologies for no update, no sneak peeks. I’ve had the best of intentions, but sometimes that’s as good as it gets.  Things are much better now, and I hope to be all caught up with pics in the next few days. Today I’m posting the Mariemont High School Drumline post that I was writing the night that Rory ended up in the pet ER.  I also have pics from Opening Day with the Dragonfly Foundation, sneak peeks for Alice, and some great dog shots to put up. I’ll get there. Starting now….

Drumline (From Wikipedia):

A drumline is a section of percussion instruments usually played as part of a musical marching ensemble.High school and college marching bands, drill and drum corps, drum and bugle corps, indoor percussion ensembles are some examples of groups that include a “drumline.”

This year I got an opportunity to do some drumline photography for Anderson High School and wowza – was I impressed. I’ve been to darned nearly every music and sports event possible, but I had never experienced drumline and I realized I was missing out!  It’s so incredibly dramatic and creative – super cool!

I never did post the AHS drumline pics (I will, I promise!), but I also shot Mariemont High School Drumline dress rehearsal two weeks ago and I have some of them for you today!

Congrats to MHS Drumline for a great season and also to Anderson High School for being their regional champions for 2013!

mariemont high school, mariemont high school drum line

mariemont high school, mariemont high school drum line

mariemont high school, mariemont high school drum line

mariemont high school, mariemont high school drum line

mariemont high school, mariemont high school drum line


  • Sherry Steveson - Great action shots!ReplyCancel

  • Jana Perenchio - My son is on the drumline at his high school and we just love it. Those kids work SO hard!ReplyCancel

  • Andie Smith - I can hear the drums!ReplyCancel

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