Ryden L ~ Mariemont High School Class of 2014 | Mariemont Senior Portrait Photographer

It’s my pleasure to roll out some more great senior pics today.

Today’s senior is Ryden L. Ryden is a senior at Mariemont High School and is just an all-around great person!  He’s thinking of being a doctor one of these days and I have no doubt that he’s going to get there if that’s what he wants.  He’s also a heck of a running back, scoring 4 touchdowns for the MHS Warriors this past week agains Batavia, earning him a nomination for player of the week in the greater Cincinnati area. If you’d like to vote for him, you can do so here:  Vote for Ryden

It was really foggy the morning that we went out to do Ryden’s pics, so you’ll see that in the overlook photos below. Fortunately the rain held off and we were able to do what we needed to do, but there weren’t too many opportunities for pretty skies that day, unfortunately.  Oh well, it’s not about the sky anyways, right?

People always seem to be interested in what we’re doing when I’m out on a shoot, especially in a busy place. This person was very enthusiastic and animated and wanted me to take her pic, so I did!

And when I was shooting by the overlook wall, I saw something move and come out of the brush. At first I thought it was a person and it scared me.  Turns out it was just this cutie.  I know raccoons are really an annoyance and can be destructive, but man they’re cute. This one was really, really cute and he was definitely posing for us.

That’s it for today. Ryden, I hope you like your pics!

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