Scott B ~ Mariemont High School Class of 2014 | Mariemont Senior Portrait Photographer

More sneak peeks a comin’!  Here is Scott B, yet another fabulous member of the Mariemont High School Class of 2014.  Scott’s another musical Warrior. He’s in the band and we were really pushing hard to get him to try out for the spring musical this year.  Hopefully he will!

We had a chilly and muddy morning out in the “wilds” of Terrace Park ~ slipping and sliding in the mud and watching our breath in the sun.  A fun morning as usual….

Scott, thanks for such a fun morning, I hope you like your pics!

  • Jana Perenchio - What amazing locations you have to use……..lucky!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Jen Long Lucas - Yes, your locations are awesome! These are fantastic–fantastic work, great lookin’ kid! I hope he tries out for the musical too!ReplyCancel

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