Senior Spotlight 2018!

I meant to get this out last week, but it took me just a bit more time to get that last senior session in right before graduation time! I know it sounds like a broken record, but I’m so proud of my seniors this season! They are out there ready to take on the world! This year, my Class of 2018 includes award winning scholars, elite athletes, accomplished Cappie nominated actors, and a few who have battled and triumphed over some mental health challenges during their high school journey. Teens have so much to juggle these days and I applaud them all for navigating those sometimes tough waters, meeting those challenges, and making their way! Such strong, beautiful souls they are, both inside and out!

So without further ado…. I present my CLASS OF 2018!


I am also booking sessions for rising seniors. Reserve your spot now to get the beautiful portraits that you’ve always wanted designed with your interests and personality in mind, and have LOADS OF FUN IN THE PROCESS! Oh, and I’m still looking for a few juniors to be on my model team for the Class of 2019, so if you’re interested, let me know ASAP. More details about team benefits are here: I WANT TO BE ON BARB’S MODEL TEAM!  Lots of perks and freebies, including preferred session dates and reduced sitting fees! You know you want to…..


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